Top 5 Stocks to Invest in 2021 | Indian Stock Market
=> Equity Market is too popular after the covid pandemic as people become jobless and they were spending time at home due to the lockdown so people started a way to earn money from home and the stock market is one of the most rewarding careers if you do it in a right way whether it is trading or investment. =>Today we will be discussing 5 Stock idea's if you are planning to invest for the long term in the Indian stock market so let's begin with our first stock. 1.) Reliance Industries - it is a well-known and established company in India it was incorporated by the dhiru Bhai Ambani who change the face of Indian industry by establishing a giant company that is included in the world's top 500 fortune companies. - Main Business of Reliance Industries is an oil refinery but it has many other subsidiaries like reliance retail, Reliance jio, etc. - It is in the list of India's top 10 Companies. - The Financials of the company is very strong and growing year...