How To Open Free Demat/Trading Account ?

=> Hello Are you finding how to open an free demat account then you are at right place .. 1. What is Demat Account ? Ans ) It is used to trade in the stocks, mutual funds and other financial products and it is an legal and authorized way to trade in Indian market. 2. Is there any Charge to open an demat account ? - Yes there are stock brokers who is charging their clients to open an demat account and there are other brokers who provide free demat account . 3. Is it Safe to open an Free Demat account ? - You should select an good Reputed and licensed broker no worry if they are providing free demat account. 4. What Documents are needed to open an demat account ? - Recent Passport Size Photos - Adhar Card - Pan Card - Last 6 Month Bank Statement - Bank Passbook Front page Copy => How much time it take to open an demat account ? - If you go for physical form method then it can take 2 to 3 working days and if you go for online mode then it can be open within 20 ...